Elena K's photoblog

Photographs and artwork as a means of creative expression and an attempt to quiet a troubled mind.
Sometimes images communicate when words fail.

The way I see things may be different or strange, but it was one of the few things my mother could never take away from me, no matter how much she tried.

All photos and/or artwork by Elena K unless otherwise specified

Monday, October 15, 2012

Grass and Gate


  1. This image is beautiful. Stark meeting of live and inert matter, moving. All these photos on this page are powerful. They convey moods and content in strong ways that aren't immediately obvious but can be felt.

    1. Oops, missed your comment CS! Sorry about that.

      I'm glad you like that photo. It's one I liked especially because it's something that's usually overlooked. Hundreds of people walk by that spot and never notice it, then think i'm crazy cos I'm taking photos of it. :D
